
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Comfort Food

So since I am done with work and just waiting patiently for Baby Franks to decide to come, I have been cooking up a storm.  I guess because it is the only thing I feel like I have control over. Or maybe the fact that I am using food as time passer by right now...details details!  I tried this on a whim tonight. It was easy and hit the spot with our food on the grill! Mac and cheese on the stove was good but I prefer baked for a little crunch, but I didnt plan that far ahead.  I got the recipe from THIS blog...give it a try!

PS I am 38 + 5 and headed to OBGYN tomorrow...Im praying for an immediate admit to L & D...Hey a girl can dream can't she!


  1. Ok - my new guess. 40+6 birth time at 7:23pm. Baby frankles is a boy and he is 23 inches long 9lb on the dot. Delivery takes 45 mins from start of pushing. Now don't guess me back.

  2. I wish you well trying to keep your mind occupied and off of the "is this baby ever going to come" tune that won't stop playing! Lol
