Twilight and New Moon- by Stephenie Meyer
So I just finished reading book 2 of the Twilight series. I have put off these books for a couple reasons. First, I never really got into Harry Potter and I am clumped these books in that category and second if on the off chance I loved the books I wanted to make sure I had the time to really read them. So 2 weeks I finished my last book on my Kindle and decided I needed a change in my recent reading genre...I went for Twilight! I am so glad I waited until I had the first I thought " I mean it is good, but I am not addicted" Now after reading the second one and seeing the first movie, it is safe to say I REALLY LOVE these books, I am starting the 3rd one this week. It is just a nice change of pace in fantasy land. If you haven't read them, wait until the time is right and then pick them up! If you have read them all I have to say is I LOVE Edward...haha!
Funny - I thought the same thing and wasn't interested in reading. Until a friend brought it to me to borrow. I just finished the first one and I liked it! I have the 2nd one on loan too and am going to start it soon.